Sunday, March 2, 2014

The View

This week hasn't been the most ideal. It's definitely not ideal when one has to work 60 hours in one week... 

However, here are some pictures that have made me smile this week: 

(No, Mom. I didn't really get my nose pierced.)
Feeling kinda pirate-y though :)

Waffle bar & wonderful fellowship with our church fam.
Also tried chicken and waffles for the first time ever.
Let me tell ya'll, talk about a life changing moment!! 

The pictures I get sent while at work....
I need to buy this boy some swords or army guys. Something.
Thank God that we are created in Your image and by Your hands. 

This picture just melts my heart. Over and over again. 

And memories like this, when we had to sit in my car
Christmas day to use the wifi, makes my heart smile.

It's the little things that I am most grateful for. Thank you, Father for giving me more than I deserve and more than I could ever dream of having. 


Saturday, March 1, 2014


Side note:
This post was originally written on a piece  of paper on Monday, February 24th, day 1 of my fast to reflect over the week of being social media free.

Laying there, all bundled up and toasty under my sheets, and I was afraid. I was afraid to open my eyes and see the leftover makeup on my pillowcase. I was afraid that I had overslept and missed my alarm. I was afraid that it was indeed a Monday and that my weekend was over. Then right on queue, my phone begins to chirp annoyingly as the birds outside do. I reach over to turn off the alarm on my phone, and even half asleep, I grab my phone to check my Facebook and see what notifications I missed while in my slumber.

No, I am not that popular, but rather part of the "digital slave age" movement.

My name is Heather and today is Day 1 of my 5 Day Fast of all things related to social media.

What my fast will consist of:
-NO texting, unless it's work related or necessary. (I posted a fb status the night before letting family/friends know to reach my by phone if needed)
-NO Facebook
-NO Twitter
-NO Instagram
-NO Pinterest
-NO surfing the web aimlessly for trendy articles
-NO blogging
-NO Snapchat
-NO Whatsapp
-NO apps/games on phone
-NO spotify/Pandora/streaming music
-Calls are allowed, more personal than texting.

Yes, I am partially doing the fast because I was challenged to do so at a youth conference I attended this past weekend. But really, it was just confirmation from God that I needed to unplug from a lot of online/social distractions. The time that I would spend on fb, twitter, instagram, surfing the web or even taking a high number that knocks me absolutely sick. The internet has been consuming a majority of my life. Yet, I was struggling to even spend 30 minutes of quiet time with my Savior. Talk about a reality check. I feel that I've been missing out on life itself because I have been hiding behind my cell phone and computer; and not plugging into what's most important... my Creator.

Even though it's only been one day, there have already been so many positives in not being a slave to technology:

-Not rushing through my quiet time so that I can check if I have any new notifications or text messages. Yes, this is a big struggle for me.
-I already feel more free not feeling the need to check my phone 24/7.
-Able to focus and spend a majority of my day in deep prayer--- that was my favorite part about the fast!
-My battery life is untouchable. It's 3:10 PM as I write this and my battery is sitting at 85%!
-Phone calls seem much more personal and sincere than a text ever did
-It's given me a new perspective of how dependent I have been on texting or anything involving social media.

Overall reflections on my fast:

The first day was the hardest, second and third day came much easier and a big relief to not have my phone glued to my hand. There were a couple times this past week that I almost left my phone at my house/work because I hadn't been using it. What was really disappointing, was the realization that in the moments that I didn't have anything to do, I immediately grabbed my phone to have a little nose what everyone was up to. Without even thinking I did that. To think that my habitual actions came second nature in having my apps on my phone constantly open as if I was reading the daily news. I had no idea that I had such an addiction.

I am not willing to be a slave to any electronic. I am only willing to be a slave to Christ.
- 1 Corinthians 7:22-
 "For he who was called in the Lord as a bondservant is a freedman of the Lord. Likewise he who was free when called is a bondservant of Christ."
I only remain on social media because my family is scattered and I want to be able to connect, but I don't want it to consume me like it has in the past. Will you take the challenge and try to fast from social media? Pray about it and see what measures you can take to unplug from the world and plug into Him!
